Mission Statement
It is the policy of Associated Plastics Corp., to manufacture thermoplastic components and other products, which conform to the customer’s requirements.
With thoughts always turned toward continually growing and improving our system and quality of the products we produce. To achieve this, Associated Plastics Corp. has established and maintains an effective and efficient Quality System, planned and developed in conjunction with our management functions. The System has the unqualified support of the Company Management who ensure the policy is understood, implemented and maintained by all concerned personnel in the Company, by training, instruction documents, internal audits and system reviews. Associated Plastics Corporation is a customer-focused company driven by a leadership based on the involvement of ALL of its employees.
Associated Plastics Corporation mandates a process and system approach to management directed towards continuous improvement and responsiveness to the customer and employee communication. While utilizing a factual approach decision making based on mutually beneficial supplier relationships. Our Quality Manual accurately and adequately describes the system in use at Associated Plastics Corp., to meet the requirements of IS0 9001:2008. It is a mandatory requirement that all personnel complies with the policies, systems, and procedures in this program.